Weight Loss & Kidney Stones
Circumstances in Developing Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are a medical disorder that can be quite painful and are usually caused in patients because of an excess of oxalate, which helps to contribute to the development of the stones. The stones are mineral crystals that are created in the kidneys and are quite painful to pass. A Johns Hopkins University study reports that patients who underwent gastric-bypass surgery were at an increased risk of developing kidney stones. Researchers looked at the insurance records of 4,639 patients who underwent weight loss surgery. The same researchers then looked for another 4,639 patients in the insurance records who were of a similar age, sex, and had similar body mass indices. The difference between the two groups were that the second group did not include anyone who underwent bariatric surgery. Findings of the Johns Hopkins University study showed that 8 percent of those who underwent gastric bypass surgery developed kidney stones, while only 5 percent of obese individuals in the second group did. The oxalate is usually expelled from the body by being bound to calcium, however when the gastric bypass is performed, the body goes into a mode where the minerals in it are not regulated properly because of the drastic decline is one's weight. This results in an abundance of calcium and oxalate, which form the kidney stones. While this is a painful complication to weight loss surgery, it should be noted that doctors who conducted the study believes that the benefits of losing weight far outweigh the risks, states the study.
Treatment Options
While kidney stones are painful, treatments are available to deal with the condition. The conservative treatment for minor cases of kidney stones involves flushing out your system with plenty of water, so that the stones pass through your body, states the Mayo Clinic. If you happen to have a severe case of kidney stones, the most widely recommended treatment is to undergo extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL). This is when shock waves are sent through the body to break up the kidney stones and allow them to pass naturally. In some cases, ESWL may not be enough to remove large kidney stones, so your doctor may need to perform a percutaneous nephrolithotomy in order to surgically remove it. Before undergoing any surgical treatment for kidney stones, be sure to speak with your physician, who will be able to evaluate your condition to determine if it safe for you to get kidney-stone treatment.