Adipose Tissue Resistant to Weight Loss
Have your doctor check your hormone levels. High amounts of circulating estrogen in the body are correlated to the distribution of stubborn fat. Women who have high amounts of estrogen in the blood tend to have thin waists but accumulate fat in the hips. According to Ori Hofmekler, author of "How to Get Rid of Stubborn Fat," high numbers of estrogen receptors in the body increase the risk of weight gain and make it harder to get rid of fat. If you find that your weight gain also corresponds with mood shifts, feeling warm or fatigue, a hormone imbalance may be the reason why your fat isn't melting off despite those sets of crunches and all those miles run.
A common misconception about stubborn fat (and fat in general) is that if you cut back on your calories, you'll burn all your excess fat; if you can't shed those last few pounds, well, then it's your own fault for not having enough willpower. In reality, losing stubborn fat has more to do with what you are eating than the number of calories you are consuming. When calories are reduced to the point of making the body believe starvation is occurring, the body's metabolism changes in such a way that the body holds on to as much fat as it can. This is why diets don't work. Instead of turning each meal into just a few bites, try eating organic foods that don't have estrogen-like compounds added during processing. Then decrease the number of calories you consume from refined carbohydrates and increase calories from protein--protein burns more calories during digestion than fat does.
If you are eating right, exercising and don't have hormonal imbalances, the next thing you need to do is watch your insulin levels. When you are insensitive or resistant to insulin, you aren't able to lower your blood sugar levels as well. The body converts the extra sugar into triglycerides and fat. This is why those with diabetes so often are obese or overweight. Eating fewer carbohydrates helps greatly with decreasing this problem and thus may help you shed those few extra pounds of adipose.