Can Chlorella Help Me Lose Weight?
Chlorella and Weight Loss
One of Chlorella's lesser-touted talents involves weight loss. The idea of chlorella as a potential aid in weight loss has been tossed around and thoroughly considered. Investigation into this concept has revealed that the main proposed way Chlorella can help with weight loss is via its cleansing ability. Some claim that Chlorella aids in the cleansing and proper functioning of the digestive system by stimulating digestive muscle contraction and alleviating constipation.
In this sense, you shouldn't expect Chlorella to play an extremely significant factor in a weight loss program. Fortunately, it doesn't appear to be marketed as such. Instead, it is noted as a potential aid in weight loss that will occur via natural removal of toxins and the rebalancing of digestive functioning. That is, of course, when combined with a proper diet and exercise regimen. When taken into the appropriate context, Chlorella may indeed be a beneficial aid in weight loss but no one is quite sure exactly how beneficial it is results-wise.
Other Chlorella Benefits
The lack of true available data to support Chlorella is also a problem when it comes to the other benefits that it may or may not provide. There is insufficient evidence for its use as a tool in chemotherapy treatment, in the treatment of fibromyalgia as well as other problems such as common colds, ulcers, and Crohn's disease. The limited evidence that has surfaced regarding Chlorella's potential benefit, as noted by, involves animal research that suggests the algae may inhibit some of the active molecules that are involved in the growth of cancer cells.
Bottom Line
Chlorella is not a supplement that is entering strange new territory. Other herbal remedies have already sprung up claiming various health benefits that may or may not all be true. Like the others, Chlorella suffers from a lack of true scientific support, even though it appears to contain nutrients that are all positive such as the antioxidant beta-carotene, quality protein, various amino acids, and concentrations of the B-complex vitamins. It may improve your weight loss goal by helping maintain good digestive system health but, once again, it is inconclusive and subject to variations in individual results. Always check with a doctor before taking Chlorella.