How to Date Someone Who Has Had Weight Loss Surgery
Learn all you can about his surgery. Weight loss surgery is not just a cosmetic procedure. It affects the way the patient views himself and changes his entire life. The patient may suffer from extra skin and body dysmorphic disorder (obsessing over perceived problems in one's appearance). By doing research, you can prepare yourself for the changes that will occur post-operation and help understand what your loved one is going through, both mentally and physically. You will also be able to learn how to set a good example for your significant other by eating healthy foods in front of him and encouraging a healthy relationship with food. provides readers thorough information about weight loss surgeries, its effects, and what to expect.
Communicate openly with your significant other. Your loved one may not know how to feel emotionally or may be confused about her self image after weight loss surgery. Open the lines of communication with her and let her know that you are there to listen and help without judging. Open communication with her can also help her deal with emotional eating, if that is something she suffers from.
Attend therapy with significant your other. If he feels like he needs counseling or to join a support group after his operation, offer to attend with him. Sometimes after weight loss surgery, a person may have a hard time adjusting to his new body and lifestyle and may need to speak to a professional about these new lifestyle changes. However, don't be hurt if he would prefer to attend counseling alone.
Be patient and understanding; this is the best thing you can do when dating someone who has had weight loss surgery. Know that it may take her a while to feel like her old self (if she ever does) and that your relationship may be different from now on. Your significant other now has a changed body, has to alter her eating habits and may be in physical pain for some time after their weight loss surgery. Helping with bandages and self-care immediately after surgery, cooking healthy meals and simply being a shoulder to cry on can help strengthen a relationship after weight loss surgery.