Low Caloric Intake Vs. Fasting
Fasting Definition
Fasting means giving up all foods. Most people who fast still drink water, and many drink juice or some type of "cleansing" or "detox" product.
Low Caloric Definition
An extreme low-calorie diet cuts way back on calories, usually permitting less than 1,000 calories per day--but not giving up food completely. Often, the dieter consumes special low-calorie drinks and bars that are supposed to supply some nutrition.
Fasting Problems
The human body needs food to function. Fasting for too long will cause the body to go into "starvation mode," slowing metabolism. This can lead to health problems such as headaches, anemia, irregular heartbeat, and low blood sugar.
Low-Calorie Problems
Many of the problems associated with fasting can also occur with an extreme low-calorie diet. Both should be attempted only under a doctor's care and supervision.
Calorie Amount
If looking to lose weight, use an online caloric calculator to determine the amount of calories that you should consume daily to keep your current weight. Use that as a guide.
Diet and Exercise
The best way to lose weight is through a combination of a healthy diet and exercise. Check with your doctor, and center your eating around vegetables, grains, and low-fat protein. And make exercise a part of your daily routine. A change in lifestyle is the way to lose weight and keep it off.