How to Lose Weight for an Event
Prioritize your body parts according to function and display at the particular event. For example, women that are preparing to wear bathing suits at warm-weather climates or evening gowns to formal events may look to develop shapely arms, legs, midsections and cleavage. Meanwhile, athletes training for an upcoming season will want to drop weight, without losing strength.
Set realistic goals. Goal-setting relates to all phases of the weight-loss plan, which includes appearance, diet and exercise. Realistic goals motivate you to commit full effort, without becoming discouraged by striving for unattainable perfection. The first goal should be simply to work hard to execute a plan. Do not obsess over end results when beginning the regimen. Focus on the cliché of "trying your best," prior to narrowing down these targets to specific body weights, food intake and exercise repetition counts.
Watch your diet. Recognize that weight-loss relates to using more calories for energy than you take in. Limit exposure to saturated fats and sugars that convert themselves into fat when left unused for physical activity. Balanced diets should be high in proteins and vitamins to serve as material to build muscle. Fish, lean chicken breasts, fruits and vegetables are foods high in protein and energy-content, without large amounts of calories and fat.
Exercise to lose weight and sculpt your body. Isolate and strength-train your prioritized body parts two times per week. You will complete a total body workout by integrating cardiovascular training and separate muscle groups into the routine. Weight-train for at least 45 minutes three to five days per week, working different muscles each session. Additionally, you should participate in light to moderate cardiovascular exercise for 20 minutes every day.
Monitor progress. Create and maintain a journal listing specifics related to dietary intake, body weight and exercise record. The journal serves as a baseline to compare historical performance. Work to increase the intensity of your particular plan as the event nears. Maintain and continue your progress after the event has been completed.