Menu Plan for Weight Loss
For most of the history of nutritional science, dieticians assumed that "calories in vs. calories out" was the foundation of weight loss. We now know that it's not that simple. Which different nutrients are consumed, combined with what amount of each is consumed, is far more important to body composition changes.
A Word on Carbs
According to Troy West, CSCS, CPT and owner of Empower Fitness Company, in Portland, Oregon, the most critical element of modifying your diet for weight-loss is reducing the consumption of simple carbohydrates and refined sugars like corn syrup and bread.
Consuming simple carbohydrates will quickly cause an increase in blood sugar levels, followed by a resultant surge in insulin. This insulin serves to help the body store nutrients. For most people, at most times of the day, this will result in the body storing the nutrients as body fat.
Reducing simple carbs will serve two purposes in the quest for weight loss. First of all, it reduces this insulin surge. Second, by reducing the amount of glycogen, or sugar, in the bloodstream, it forces the body to use stored body fat for energy, thus reducing body fat stores.
Making these changes to your diet is really pretty simple. First of all, eat more vegetables instead of breads and pasta. Broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts and snow peas are all suitable replacements.
We Love Meat!
The second element of increasing weight loss through proper nutrition is to increase the intake of dietary protein. Coupled with a sensible and well-designed strength training program, increased intake of protein serves to increase lean muscle mass.
According to legendary strength coach Charles Staley, CSCS, an increase in lean muscle mass will increase the metabolic rate, thereby creating a faster loss of body fat. Increasing your protein intake is similarly easy. Eat more animal protein sources like meat, poultry, eggs and dairy.
Fundamentals of Healthy Meal Plans
Combining these two tactics will serve you well in increasing your weight loss. Even when you eat out, with a little forethought, you can manage both tactics. Bypass bread and dinner rolls before your meal. Take a green salad or vegetables as your side dish, in lieu of potatoes or pasta.
Use good judgment to eat better, with more protein and less starch and sugars, and you will quickly see your unwanted pounds melt away. You'll feel better, and have more energy and less lethargy. You'll see the whole world in a new and different light. You'll love your life again!