Weight Loss & Headaches
Cause of Headaches
Headaches during weight loss may be caused by a variety of reasons, one of the most common being a lack of nutrition. Most individuals drastically reduce their caloric intake to lose weight, leading to malnutrition. By removing carbohydrates, proteins and fats from the diet, the body may suffer from hypoglycemia, which is the lowering of blood sugar. Another possibility is that certain foods such as tea, chocolate, cheese and some meats or fish may cause headaches. Sticking to a balanced, nutritious diet during weight loss will result in permanent results and a lack of side effects.
Another common cause of headaches during weight loss is dehydration. If you begin to feel a tightening around the head, drinking water may help to relieve symptoms. Dehydration during weight loss is caused because blood vessels begin to constrict to conserve any remaining moisture in the body. Those dehydrated blood vessels may begin to spasm, reducing blood and oxygen to the brain. Drink at least 64 ounces of water every day to stay hydrated.
Headaches may also be caused by released toxins leaving the body during exercise or sweating. When you stop eating foods that supply toxins to your body they are eliminated, but can also cause headaches and skin disorders like acne for a few days while the toxins are being flushed out. Drinking water during weight loss is important to remove harmful toxins as well as staying hydrated.
How to Avoid Headaches
If you are experiencing headaches during weight loss, there are a few ways to reduce their frequency. Limit sugar-filled foods and select complex carbohydrates such as potatoes and rice to get a healthy amount of carbs without the crash that sugar causes.
Stick to a healthy diet as opposed to a fad nutrition plan. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains and healthy fat to keep headaches from occurring. Learning how to eat healthfully while still losing weight will help keep the pounds off permanently.