What Type of Berries Are Good for Weight Loss?
Acai Berries
The acai berry grows in South America on a Brazilian palm tree. The berry looks much like a blueberry; however, it is more purple in color. This berry has been hailed as a super food containing high levels of antioxidants. This berry can potentially fight cancer, promote weight loss and help with many other conditions. The berry is currently sold in powders, drinks, pills, freeze-dried formulas and as a fresh fruit.
Celebrities such as Dr. Oz and Oprah Winfrey have talked about its miracle effects. There are lots of claims that the acai berry has produced tremendous weight loss benefits. No credible evidence has proved that these claims are scientifically true. However, studies are currently being conducted. There also is not any proof that high levels of antioxidants can promote weight loss but there is strong anecdotal evidence that the acai berry does have some weight loss powers. Acai is very expensive. As of 2009, the powders, drinks, capsules and smoothies can cost hundreds of dollars per month to take regularly.
Blueberries are a high-antioxidant food that has been credited with lowering cholesterol, fighting belly fat and promoting weight loss. In lab tests the blueberry has been shown to maintains glucose levels and aid in the fight against diabetes. Weight loss through eating blueberries in primarily caused by the reduction of fat deposits around the belly and mid section. This reduces the body's weight and reduces the body's fat content. This aids in heart health and promotes healthy insulin levels. The blueberry has the highest level of antioxidants of any fruit grown in the United States and is a "super food." There have been many studies that support the claims of eating blueberries. Blueberries also have a lasting residual effect if eaten daily. Blueberries change the way in which a human body stores fat by dumping the fat instead of storing it.
Goji Berries
Goji berries are grown in China, Tibet and Mongolia. These berries grow on short bushes close to the ground. The berry is oval in shape and bright red in color. These berries are beginning to grow in popularity worldwide. After these berries are picked they take on a texture much like a raisin. These berries are high in fiber which makes a person feel full longer. This is because the berry is very low on the glycemic index which means that the berry will make you feel less hungry for longer periods of time. Through reducing hunger and cravings, the berries aid in weight loss. These berries also promote lean muscle mass through their high level of natural enzymes. The berries are known to promote a healthy digestive system and helps reduce blood sugar levels.