How Can I Get Rid of Upper Belly Fat?
Muscle Toning
While it is not possible to spot reduce fat, it is possible to spot build muscle. Toned muscles give your physique definition. If you already have a slim waistline but your upper belly still appears flabby, this is likely a result of limp muscles. When muscles are weak it opens the way for fatty deposits to not only accumulate over them, but hide within the muscles in what's called visceral fat. Abdominal exercises such as the Bicycle Kick, Pulse Up, and Jack Knife are great for targeting the muscles of the upper belly.
Body Fat Percentage
It doesn't really matter how toned your abdominal muscles are if they're hidden beneath a large amount of body fat. The only way to reduce upper belly fat in this instance is to reduce your overall body fat percentage. Your body fat percentage is the amount of your weight which comes from fat. The most accurate way to test what your body fat percentage is, is through Hydrostatic density weighing (which can be pricey). There are also bioimpedance scales on the market which are a bit less expensive, but also a little less accurate way to get this estimate. Skinfold measuring with calipers is another method used to ascertain body fat percentage.
Weight Loss
In order to get rid of fat in the belly you need a weight loss strategy, not a decrease belly fat strategy. Always bear in mind that the weight you're targeting for reduction is fat. Not muscle, not water. You want to lose fat and build muscle while staying hydrated; so some form of resistance training (3 to 4 days per week) has to be a part of your workout routine to strengthen your muscles. Also at least 30 minutes of some form of aerobic activity every day will boost your metabolism and burn fat. Your aerobic workout should be vigorous enough to elevate your heart rate 50 percent to 85 percent of its maximum capacity. An easy way to gauge if you are within this range is to talk. If you're winded but still able to talk while exercising, you are likely within the aerobic range for your fitness level. Diet is also an important factor in weight loss.
The only way to reduce fat is to consume less calories than you expend. This forces your body to raid its fat reserves to compensate for a fuel shortfall. Just don't reduce your calorie intake too much. You have to eat to have a healthy metabolism so do not starve yourself. Simply eat foods which are of high nutritional value (meaning nutrient rich, but low in calories).