Elliptical Machines for Weight Loss
The elliptical trainer, if you have not seen one, functions as a cross between a treadmill and a StairMaster. The user places his feet on two pedals that glide to simulate walking at a slight angle. What most people agree on is that the primary benefit of the elliptical trainer is that it is a low-impact workout, says Muscle and Fitness. This means that the person's legs and joints are not subject to the same amount of strain as a normal treadmill or just walking/running outdoors. Overweight people will find the elliptical easier to use, and therefore it will help them maximize their potential weight loss. Another clear difference compared to the treadmill, is that while both can help you lose weight, the elliptical trainer also helps you build muscle, says the Buffalo News. This is important, because muscle helps the body work better and also increases the number of calories burned overall.
Weight Loss Results
To lose weight, your body needs to burn or reduce a certain number of calories a day. One pound equals 3,500 calories, so if you would like to lose a pound a week, divide 3,500 calories by seven and burn that much a day on the elliptical. Maximizing one's workout on the elliptical is important, and the machine provides the ability to alter both the incline and the amount of resistance that you face while moving, says Health Status. The machine is electronic, so it will record the calories burned, along with the number of strides taken, and help you keep track of your weight loss. When beginning a weight-loss program, see your doctor and start out slowly. The low-impact nature of the elliptical trainer and the fact that it can be adjusted for both beginners and for experts make it a good machine for people to try out as they shed their extra pounds safely, says the Buffalo News.