Can You Lose Weight by Jumping on a Trampoline?
Types of Trampolines
Trampolines vary in size and can be used for both recreational and competitive jumping. There are heavy-duty trampolines designed for outdoor use and sleeker trampolines for indoor use. Trampolines also come in a variety of sizes, ranging from very small personal trampolines to large outdoor trampolines, which can be used by multiple people at the same time.
Trampoline workouts strengthen and develop the leg, shoulder and hip muscles. The muscles that are used during a workout include the hamstring, quads, calf muscles, deltoid and trapezius muscles in the shoulder and hip flexor muscles.
Effective Ways to Jump
There are many ways to burn calories while jumping on a trampoline. To get warmed up, keep your feet together and begin bouncing gently without leaving the trampoline. This will help you get comfortable with the exercise. When you feel comfortable, you can then start to jump on the trampoline. You can do different exercises, such as shifting your weight from side to side, jogging in place and jumping on one leg.
Can You Lose Weight?
The answer is yes. By jumping on a trampoline on a consistent basis and maintaining a healthy diet, you can expect to drop pounds.
Make sure you jump safely on the trampoline. It's an activity that requires balance and concentration. When bouncing with other people on a large, outdoor trampoline, make sure to use caution.