How to Start Eating Healthy to Lose Weight
Things You'll Need
- Commitment to Eating Healthy to Lose Weight
- Healthy Diet to Lose Weight
- Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan
Start reading food labels. Buy food items that are low in saturated fat, sugar, salt, and cholesterol but high in fiber, heart-healthy fats (omega 3s), vitamins and nutrients.
Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables every day. It doesn't matter if they are whole, canned, fresh or frozen. Use a blender to puree veggies to add to soups and casseroles or to create smoothies made from mostly fruit and low-sugar yogurt.
Create a weekly menu around entrees that include lean meats (chicken, fish, buffalo), nuts, beans and whole grains. When buying breads, cereals and crackers, check the label for whole grains and high fiber.
Replace sugary drinks with 100 percent fruit juices, water, and flavored low-calorie or non-calorie waters.
Stock up on healthy snacks, and grab a snack when you are hungry. Eat a banana, orange, or low-fat low-sugar granola bar. When you are hungry between meals, snacking will help you avoid overeating later.
When baking, replace half the fat with applesauce or nonfat yogurt. Buy low-fat dairy products instead of whole milk products.