Laser Therapy for Weight Loss
Excess Fat Condition
"Lipid-rich tissue" is the scientific term for excess fat in the body, according to ScienceDaily. (Ref. 1.) It is stored in tissues that can create visible fat bulges and uneven cellulite dimples, which is the target of laser therapy.
Laser treatment for weight loss has one ultimate goal: reducing as much as possible of the body's fatty tissue stored in the skin, so that the body appears tighter, slimmer, and smoother. Cellulite is smoothed out, and problem bulges are tightened.
How It Works
Invasive liposuction uses a surgical tube to suction fat deposits beneath the skin's surface. Laser therapy employs highly concentrated energy beams to emulsify and liquefy the lipid-rich tissue, which results in the "smoothing" effect on the surface of the skin. The even distribution of tissue creates the appearance of weight loss. Some laser therapy treatments, such as those using infrared light absorption, actually shrink fat cells.
SmartLipo laser therapy treats fat bulges and cellulite, and is commonly used on double chins and flabby arms. VelaShape promises a thinner body within one month of treatment. The Zerona laser is the newest weight-loss laser therapy, and is highly effective for losing actual inches.
ScienceDaily reported that studies indeed proved infrared laser therapy's effectiveness on ridding excess body fat, thereby promoting weight loss.
Dr. Rox Anderson of Harvard University confirmed in the aforementioned ScienceDaily article that laser therapy's effectiveness for fat loss has tremendous implications for other medical conditions, such as heart disease.