How to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks With No Pills
Things You'll Need
- Proper athletic gear
Commit to change. Making a commitment makes a difference. Draft a contract or have someone to hold you accountable for positive changes in your lifestyle.
Reduce calories. Reducing the amount of calories you take in will make a difference. Stock your kitchen with low-calorie, healthy foods. Natural foods such as fruits and vegetables are low in calories and filled with nutrients and vitamins. Processed foods, on the other hand, can be loaded with calories and hidden fat. Read labels thoroughly.
Count calories. Counting calories isn't fun, but it's critical to know how many calories you're eating and burning every day. One pound is equivalent to 3,500 calories, so this is the number you're looking at when you want to lose one pound. To lose four pounds, that number increases to 14,000. Evenly distributed across 14 days, this number is 1,000, and this is the amount of calories you will need to burn per day to lose four pounds. Knowing how many calories you are eating and burning will help you reach this goal.
Increase activity. Physical activity of any kind burns calories. Go out of your way to be active where you weren't before. The advice of taking stairs and walking across the parking lot is good advice because these little activities burn calories and those calories add up at the end of the day.
Exercise. Aerobic activity, the kind that raises your heart rate, burns calories. Aerobic exercise can be running, biking, brisk walking, dancing or yard work. For it to be effective, you must keep the heart rate up for at least 10 minutes and many specialists recommend 150 minutes of exercise per week.