Stimerex Side Effects
Stimerex use may cause dehydration to occur in some users. This is because Stimerex contains ingredients to increase the metabolic rate, which causes fluids to be excreted from the body faster via perspiration and urination. Dehydration occurs when too much fluid is excreted, or when too little fluid is consumed. Avoid this side effect by increasing the amount of fluids you consume each day. Dehydration can lead to the development of other problems, such as muscle cramping and, in extreme cases, heat stroke.
Presence Of Stimulants
The stimulants found in Stimerex, such as caffeine, place increased strain on the circulatory system. All stimulants cause an increase in heart rate to occur, and can raise blood pressure levels as well. If too much of a stimulant substance is introduced to the body, headaches, dizziness and feelings of being light-headed may occur. Visible signs of ingesting too many stimulants include sweating, jitters and twitching. In extreme cases heart palpitations, heat stroke and heart attack can occur. Avoid these side effects by taking the recommended amount of Stimerex.
Constipation can occur from using Stimerex. This is because the stimulants found in Stimerex can cause the body to excrete fluids at an accelerated rate, leading to dehydration. In turn dehydration can cause the body to have too little fluid for proper bowel movements, resulting in constipation. To avoid this, follow a diet that is high in fiber and increase fluid intake while using Stimerex. If constipation persists, consider using an over-the-counter product for relief, such as a laxative or stool softener.
Sleep Complications
The stimulants present in Stimerex can cause some people to experience sleep complications, such as insomnia. To avoid sleep complications while using Stimerex, make sure to take it early on in your day. Using it later in the day increases the chances that you will have sleep issues. Limit your ingestion of other products that contain stimulants, such as coffee, as they will also make experiencing this side effect more likely.
Consider meeting with your doctor before using any weight loss supplement, including Stimerex. If you have a medical history of circulatory problems, such as high blood pressure, be careful using Stimerex. Stimerex should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise routine in order to maximize its effectiveness. Follow the dosing instructions explicitly when using any weight-loss supplement.