Definition of Advantra Z
Advantra Z comes from bitter orange (citrus aurantium). The Chinese have traditionally used it to curb chest and stomach ailments.
Advantra Z contains alkaloids--some of them being synephrine and hordenine--that increase the metabolic rate and breakdown of stored fat in the body.
Advantra Z is used as a replacement for ephedra, an herbal remedy that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned in 2004. Interestingly enough, Advantra contains some of ephedra's alkaloids, namely synephrine.
Advantra is the only patented weight loss ingredient in the United States applied to products for weight loss, increasing lean muscle mass, improving athletic performance and suppressing appetite.
Nutratech is the company that exclusively owns and distributes Advantra Z. It is responsible for all of Advantra Z's clinical research studies.