How to Lose Weight to Join the Military
Exercise to lose weight. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that adults get 150 minutes of moderate to intense aerobic activity per week and participate in muscle strengthening activities at least two days per week. Engaging in aerobic and strength training exercises will not only make you healthier, but will also help you to gain muscle mass and decrease body fat. Be sure to increase exercise slowly and to take at least one day off per week to allow your muscles to rest.
Eat smaller, balanced meals. Eating five small meals a day will help increase your metabolism (allowing you to lose weight faster) and make you feel full longer as compared to eating three large meals per day. Eating smaller and more frequent meals will also help to increase energy levels, which will aid in weight loss. Make sure each of your meals is balanced and includes healthy portions of proteins, fruits and vegetables.
Increase your fiber intake. Fiber helps to prevent constipation, makes the body feel full and lowers bad cholesterol. If you are trying to lose weight in order to join the military, increasing your fiber will make the body feel full on smaller portions, and for longer periods of time. This will allow you to lose weight without feeling hungry. Increase fiber intake slowly as not to cause uncomfortable gas.
Increase water intake. Water will flush out toxins in your body and help to speed up digestion. It is an invaluable tool for weight loss, and can also help improve the appearance of your skin. If you do not like the taste of plain water, add a lemon or orange slice to it.
Get enough sleep. It is recommended that adults get seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Not getting enough sleep can delay the weight loss process and can make your body too tired to work to its full potential.