How to Burn Fat in 2 Weeks
Estimate your basic daily caloric needs. This is the amount of energy your body requires to get through the day. It depends on your age, height, weight, gender and level of activity. Your doctor can help, or you can use a calorie calculator from a reputable health-care resource, such as the Mayo Clinic.
Aim to lose one pound a week. According to the Mayo Clinic, this is a healthy rate of weight loss.
Calculate the energy deficit you must create. To lose a pound of fat in a week, you must fall 500 calories short of your daily needs. For example, if you want to lose a pound a week and your body needs 2,100 calories every day, plan to consume only 1,600.
Cut calories from your diet. The best way to do this varies depending on your nutritional needs. Most people benefit from eliminating sugary soft drinks, alcohol, candy, processed snacks and fried foods. Drinking water instead of regular soda can cut hundreds of calories in itself.