Belly Fat Removal
As with any type of weight-loss plan, a healthy diet is essential to losing belly fat. First, cut as much sugar out of your diet as possible. Eat whole meal and whole grain breads instead of regular white bread. Choose low-fat milk, egg whites and lean meats. Your diet should also include fruits, vegetables, nuts and lean protein. Further, drink a lot of water; try to cut out all soda and most juices from your daily routine.
To truly lose your belly fat, increase your metabolism. The best way to do this is to eat more often. Instead of eating the traditional three large meals per day, aim for five to six smaller meals per day. Try to eat earlier than normal and make it a point not to eat late. The earlier you eat, the more calories you will burn before the end of the day.
Contrary to popular belief, crunches and sit-ups are not the best way to lose belly fat. Those exercises focus on strengthening the abdominal muscles. Until you lose the belly fat, sit-ups and crunches will not benefit you.
According to the New Jersey State Health Administration, the best exercise to lose your gut is basic cardiovascular workouts, including jogging, swimming, walking or anything that speeds up your heartbeat.Crunches and sit-ups will help you build that six-pack stomach you desire, but it does not help to burn the fat that covers it. Cardio will help you to burn calories and, thus, burn belly fat.
An alternative method of losing belly fat is liposuction. This option should only be exercised in extreme cases, such as a medical problem that prevents you from performing the appropriate exercises. Before scheduling the procedure with your surgeon, be sure to check with your general practitioner to avoid any potential complications. In essence, the surgeon will vacuum the fat from your stomach by inserting a small suction tube into a tiny slit made on the side of the stomach.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, you should not consider liposuction unless you are in relatively good health, have tried a legitimate diet and exercise program and have had persistent weight-loss problems.