How to Lose Weight With Hypoglycemia

Most people know something about diabetes, the condition defined by blood glucose levels that are too high. However, when blood sugar levels are too low, there can be an onset of another condition called hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemics have to eat frequent meals, watch their simple carbohydrate intake, and exercise with caution to avoid unsafe drops in their blood sugar which can cause irritability, dizziness, fatigue, shakiness and sweating. Because of the need for frequent meals and limits on exercise, many hypoglycemics find themselves packing on the pounds, which makes them more likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes later in life. Fortunately, if you suffer from hypoglycemia, there are steps you can take to lose weight.

Things You'll Need

  • Complex carbohydrates
  • Stationary exercise bike (or a mapped-out walking route)
  • Protein-rich food
  • Water
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      Eat breakfast. Avoid sugary foods, and concentrate on eating complex carbohydrates like those found in whole grains (fiber-rich cereal and whole wheat bread are good choices.)

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      Ride the stationary bike (or walk) for 20-30 minutes daily. However, be careful to avoid over-exerting yourself, as this can lead to a drop in your blood sugar.

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      Drink plenty of water while exercising. Eat a healthy, protein-rich snack (such as nuts or yogurt) when you are finished exercising.

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      Go to your local drug store and pick up glucose tablets. Use these to help manage your blood sugar if you start to feel agitated, dizzy or overly tired.

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      Avoid simple sugars found in soda, candy, cookies and many other "sweet" junk foods. Remember that consuming these will make you feel better momentarily while your blood sugar sharply increases, but you will feel worse shortly after eating the sugars when your blood sugar bottoms out. In addition, these types of empty calories will only add to weight gain. Instead, eat plenty of small, healthy and protein-rich snacks throughout the day.

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      Increase your consumption of complex carbohydrates such as whole grain pasta and bread, rice, and oatmeal. Increase your lean protein intake by eating more skinless chicken breasts, raw nuts, fish and other lean meats. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, as the natural sugar and fiber in both can help stabilize your blood sugar while at the same time allowing you a filling snack without too many calories or too much fat.

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