Tea Weight Loss Stories
Green tea
Green tea is considered a light tea and contains antioxidents to promote weight loss. Green tea is highly popular and well-known for its effects on weight loss. This tea is light and fresh with a bit of a grassy taste. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study by the University of Geneva on green tea's relation to weight loss. Researchers found the combination of caffeine and catechin polyphenols (antioxidants) in green tea help increase energy and decrease fat oxidation (the amount of fat in the body). Green tea also contains thermogenic properties that speed up fat loss. It is available with of without caffeine, with caffeinated versions containing about one-third the amount of caffeine found in coffee. While both varieties contain polyphenols, the study proved that the combination of polyphenols and caffeine led to higher fat loss.
Black tea
Black tea, rich and robust in flavor, contains the most caffeine. Black tea is the most popular tea sold in the U.S., and includes the popular Earl Gray and English Breakfast varieties. Black tea is strong and robust in flavor, containing the amount of caffeine equal to a small (6 oz.) cup of coffee. In 2008, researchers at the BHNRC in Beltsville, MD, and from the Unilever Research Laboratory, Vlaardingen, Netherlands, reported that the consumption of black tea lowers blood levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol and helps reduce blood lipids in patients when combined with a low-fat diet.
Oolong tea
Oolong tea taste like a mixture of green and black teas. Oolong tea is similar to green tea in taste but is derived from the same plant as black tea. It is known for its sweet aftertaste. Caffeine levels fall between that of green and black teas. According to traditional Chinese belief, oolong tea is effective in weight loss, as it increases metabolism and fat oxidation. The University of Tokushima in Tokushima, Japan, conducted a research study using oolong tea and reported fat oxidation was 12 percent higher in participants who drank five cups of tea per day than in participants who drank only water.
Other teas
There is no direct evidence that mint tea aids in weight loss. Herbal, non-caffeinated teas include chamomile, peppermint, lemon, raspberry, orange pekoe and dandelion. These teas are made with fresh or dried flowers, leaves, seeds or roots. Most herbal teas are marketed for their relaxation benefits. There is no scientific evidence that herbal teas aid in weight loss.
Giving tea a chance
Tea is a useful addition to any weight-loss program, as it is inexpensive, easily accessible and enjoyable to drink. You can buy it in bags or as loose leaves. If you don't like the taste of tea, try adding low-fat milk or a natural sweetener such as honey or agave nectar (sold in many health food stores). The health and weight-loss benefits will make tea a worthwhile addition to your weight-loss program..