How to Lose Weight by Exercise Calculator
Things You'll Need
- Exercise calculator
Estimate the number of calories you normally eat in a day and how many you need to burn through exercise. The number of calories you need to eat each day is based on your current weight and how active you are. Most people need around 1800-2000 calories per day to maintain their current weight without additional exercise.To lose weight, you need a 500-1000 calorie deficit between how much you eat and how much you burn. Exercising more will help you achieve this deficit.
Use an exercise calculator to find out how many calories your favorite activities burn. You'll be more successful when you choose exercises that you enjoy. Activities that are more intense burn more calories.
Use the exercise calculator to plan an exercise schedule. Base it on how many calories your favorite activities burn and how many extra calories you need to burn to lose weight. For example, if you need to burn an extra 300 calories a day, determine how many minutes you must work at your favorite exercise to burn those 300 calories.
Keep a daily exercise log. Time yourself and use the exercise calculator to determine how many calories you burned that day.
If you don't see results, change your plan. Be sure that you are eating healthy foods and exercising at a high intensity level.