Quick Way to Lose Weight Without Taking Diet Pills
Begin a Fitness Program
A regular and consistent fitness routine is essential to losing weight without diet pills. Exercise burns fat and calories, which can help you slim down and tone muscles. Getting rid of extra pounds doesn't necessarily involve hours of exercise a day. Aim for 30 to 60 minutes of exercise a day. This can include high-impact exercises such as aerobics and running or low-impact workouts like biking, walking or swimming.
Depending on your workout routine you can burn an extra 250 to 500 calories a day, which can help you lose one to two pounds per week. If you don't enjoy exercising, find a workout buddy or look for unique exercises. For example, you can purchase a dance workout video that incorporates music and fun dance steps; or you can join a local gym and take advantage of its workout classes and exercise equipment.
Change Your Eating Habits
You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight without diet pills. However, you will need to alter your eating pattern and curtail your food portions. A high-calorie, high-fat and high-sugar diet plays a major role in weight gain. Losing weight involves serious diet modifications.
Initially, agree to cut out sugary snacks and high-fat foods such as ice cream, cookies, potato chips and fast and fried foods. Replace these unhealthy choices with fresh fruits, vegetables and low-calorie snacks. In fact, certain food brands offer 100-calorie snacks (cookies, brownies and chips). Cook with lean or low-fat meats, and reduce your carbohydrate intake. A low-carb diet limits your intake to 30 grams a day. However, if you remove unhealthy foods from your diet and stick with a workout plan, you can consume up to 180 grams of carbs per day on a 1,200-calorie diet.
Fight Fluid Retention
Another contributing factor to excess body weight is fluid retention. A high-sodium diet, low water intake and lack of physical activity can trigger water weight, in which the body starts to retain or accumulate fluids. There is an easy fix, however, and you can quickly shed this weight and lose pounds within days.
Begin by increasing your water intake and drink at least eight glasses per day. Drinking caffeine in moderation can also stimulate the release of water, as does exercise or activity. You can also fight water weight by watching your sodium intake and staying below 2,400 mg a day.