How to Get Rid of an Obese Belly
Things You'll Need
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Water
- Walking shoes
Reduce your portions. Chances are if you have excessive belly fat, you are consuming more calories than you burn on a daily basis. The best course of action is to replace processed foods such as potato chips and cookies with raw foods such as vegetables and fruit. If you find yourself craving junk food, allow yourself a small serving. If you separate servings into small plastic bags in advance it will be easier to avoid overeating. Depriving yourself of the foods you crave, especially in the beginning of a lifestyle change, can result in binge eating later. Start by focusing on portion control; later you can start replacing your preferred foods for healthier foods.
Trade in your juices, sodas and adult beverages for water. Drinking your calories is not nearly as satisfying as it seems. Liquids may be just as high in calories as many solid foods, but they are unlikely to fill you up. If you don't feel full you are likely to continue eating. Juices, sodas and alcoholic beverages can double your calorie intake and provide little nutritional value. Replacing all of your beverages with water is a very easy way to drastically reduce your calorie intake. You can add lemon juice or drink unsweetened tea if you need to add variety.
Get moving. The best way to burn more calories than you consume is to do cardiovascular exercise. Focusing on belly fat by doing crunches will just build muscle under fat and won't deal with the problem of fat. If you aren't accustomed to exercising regularly, start small. Take a brisk walk daily and then work your way up to a longer walk and then a jog. If you are not fond of walking or jogging, try biking, dancing or swimming. Continue to challenge yourself as you grow comfortable with your workout. It's important for you to enjoy the exercise you do. It's much harder to stay consistent if you despise your workout.
Let go of stress. A lot of belly fat can be a result of a hormone called cortisol. The human body produces cortisol as a response to stress. Your exercise and dietary changes may be in vain, if you don't find ways to relax. Have something to look forward to at the end of the day, such as reading a good book or a relaxing yoga workout. Do not reward yourself or wind down with food, as it only promotes an unhealthy habit that is counterproductive to your goal.