How to Lose Weight on a Gluten Fee Diet
Research gluten-free eating. Gluten-free diets were originally developed for those who suffer from celiac disease, which affects an individual's small intestines. The focus of this diet is staying away from gluten, which is a protein component found in barely, oats, wheat and grains. Today, dieters who are on a gluten-free diet with weight loss goals find this diet helpful because a gluten-free diet will keep individuals away from such guilty pleasures as pizza, beer and other sugars that are condemned as unhealthy in large amounts. Foods to stay away from include cakes, bread, salad dressings, beer, crackers and pasta.
Choose your foods. Researchers have found that the most successful diets are from a well-balanced intake of nutrients and the recommended intake of daily vitamins that help the body burn fat while building muscle mass. Foods such as fish, fruits and green vegetables are highly suggested while dieting because they are loaded with fiber, calcium and iron, which are major contributors to weight loss when combined with exercise.
Take supplements. Folic acid is found in grain products, but those on gluten-free diets can get this crucial nutrient in other foods. Folic acid, also known as folate, is important because it helps produce healthy red blood cells. It has also been linked to the prevention of anemia and depression. Gluten-free foods enriched with folic acids include leafy vegetables such as spinach and asparagus, as well as several unprocessed liver products.