Liquid Weight Loss Accelerators
Perhaps the oldest liquid weight loss accelerator is none other than water, a traditional appetite suppressant recommended by nutritionists. However, over the past century or so, manufactured liquid weight loss accelerators have become exceedingly popular among consumers. With increased regulation on medical products, these accelerators have come under increased scrutiny in more recent years, with some being banned from the market entirely, for example ephedrine.
Liquid weight loss accelerators purport to help people lose weight more quickly, though some controversy has swirled around whether the companies who make these products market them as "quick fixes" that will lead to rapid weight loss without the necessity of additional measures (like eating a sensible diet and exercising). Consumers often look to accelerators when they wish to lose large amounts of weight in a very short amount of time.
Different liquid weight loss products contain a variety of ingredients that are alleged to help with weight loss. Ingredients found in weight loss accelerators include everything from caffeine to chromium to the hoodia plant. Accelerators often increase levels of serotonin and catecholamine---two chemicals that help to suppress the appetite---in the brain, leading to decreased caloric intake.
Time Frame
Liquid weight loss accelerators garner much of their popularity with consumers due to their promises of quick, easy weight loss. Promises of pounds "melting away" and "rapid weight loss" are frequent marketing promises of the companies that produce these products. Most accelerators promise noticeable results within the first week of use, though those promises tend to vary with different products.
Many weight loss experts---and even the companies that manufacture liquid weight loss accelerators---assert that these products will NOT work for persons looking to lose 10 pounds or fewer. Because these accelerators get rid of excess fat, the most rapid and visible results will be with consumers who have significant amounts of weight to lose. For people who are not necessarily overweight, but who wish to shed a few pounds, more moderate, mainstream approaches such as cutting out nighttime snacks or exercising more regularly, are recommended.
Also important to note is that though weight loss accelerators often help consumers to quickly lose weight, this weight is often gained back once the consumer goes back to his usual diet, beginning a dangerous cycle of yo-yo dieting that is extremely unhealthy.
Over the past couple of decades, multiple lawsuits have been brought against companies who manufacture alleged weight loss accelerators, due to either unsubstantiated claims made by the companies or health problems experienced by consumers. Health problems associated with weight loss accelerators have been known to include pulmonary hypertension, insomnia and anxiety.