Bad Things About the Three Day Diet
Fluid Loss
Because of the strict meal plan offered with the Three Day Diet, weight loss is largely attributed to calorie reduction through fluids. This means the fat that dieters so desperately want to shed remains a part of the body. This plan pushes the envelope even for low-calorie diets and can lower the body's metabolism to starvation levels, causing your body to retain fat in self-preservation. As a result, dieters are likely to regain whatever weight they lost very quickly.
Frustrate the dieter and he or she is likely to throw in the towel. The meal plan for the Three Day Diet is very strict and demands that participants make no changes. With the exception of a choice between coffee and tea, no options are offered. Because the diet is so demanding, dieters are likely to give up before they have finished and might potetially be frustrated from attempting to diet in the future as a result.
No Plan
The Three Day Diet can only be followed for three days at a time. Due to severe calorie restriction, dieters must first resume their normal diet for a minimum of five days before returning to the diet. In this way, dieters are likely to gain back a significant portion of the weight they lost before resuming the plan. Additionally, The Three Day Diet offers no long term plan necessary for any person seeking to make lifestyle changes necessary to keep their weight down over a long period of time. Lastly, exercise plays no role.