Prunes & Weight Loss
Feeling of Fullness
Prunes are actually nothing more than dried plums. They are tasty and provide the body with many health benefits. Try eating prunes after a meal instead of dessert. Prunes are high in fiber and will promote a feeling of fullness in your stomach. The prunes actually slow the rate that the food leaves your stomach so you will feel full for much longer. This will keep you satisfied and prevent snacking and overeating. Keeping extra calories from passing your lips is essential in weight loss.
Reduction of Cholesterol
Another way that prunes can help promote weight loss is through reducing your cholesterol. Prunes bind to the bile acids that dissolve cholesterol and remove them from the body in the form of feces. When these acids are removed the liver must create more and thus uses up more of the body's cholesterol to do so. Reducing the body's cholesterol is very helpful in the fight against weight gain.
Regulates Blood Sugar
Prunes delay the rate in which food leaves the stomach. In addition to the feeling of fullness that one feels from eating prunes, this effect also helps regulate the level of blood sugar. The food is leaving the stomach at a slower rate which will also delay the absorption of glucose in the bloodstream. Glucose is how sugar is transported through the blood. This is effective for those suffering from Type 2 diabetes in that it increases insulin sensitivity. For a non-diabetic person, a stable level of blood sugar keeps the metabolism steady which can help promote weight loss.
Cleanses the Colon
Prunes are extremely high in fiber. They help cleanse the colon and rid the body of toxins.
Nutritional Value of the Prune
Whether you are trying to lose weight or just maintain a healthy lifestyle, prunes can prove beneficial. Prunes are low in saturated fats, cholesterol and sodium. They are high in fiber and vitamins A and B6. A serving size of five prunes weighing about 38 grams gives the body more than 16 grams of carbohydrates and 3 grams of fiber. All of this is given to the body without 1 gram of fat.