Suitable Diets to Lose Weight for Teenagers
Calorie Reduction
By reducing your calories, you can lose weight without severe dietary restrictions. Girls ages 13 to 19 should eat 1,600 to 2,400 calories per day if they are sedentary to moderately active. Sedentary is defined as very little day-to-day activity, such as walking around your school or home. Moderate activity includes your daily routine plus walking at least 1 1/2 to 3 miles daily at 3 to 4 miles per hour. Active is walking more than 3 miles per day at 3 to 4 mph in addition to daily activity. In order to keep calories low, but still feel full, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. These are high in fiber and will decrease hunger pangs. Because protein is processed more slowly than sugar and other carbohydrates, eating protein sources such as lean meat, nuts and nonfat dairy foods will help you to feel fuller longer and can contribute to weight loss. Eliminate staples of the teen diet such as soda, chips and other high-calorie, low-nutrition food gradually to lose weight and not feel deprived. Exercise three to five days per week for 30 to 60 minutes to increase weight loss. Strength training that includes weights or isometrics, as well as aerobic exercise, should be a part of your routine. Try working out with your friends, playing sports at your school or joining a class to make exercise fun.
Low Fat Diets
Many teenagers get a large portion of their diet from fast food, or processed food sources. Foods such as cakes, ice cream, pasta, burgers and fried foods can contribute to increased weight. Fat contains 9 calories per gram, and protein or carbohydrates have only 4 calories for the same amount. Eating high-fat foods can contribute to fat stores, because any calories that are not used for energy are stored by the body as fat. To lose weight, choose low-fat foods such as yogurt, salads, cereals and fruits. For instance, when eating at a party, a restaurant or in school, choose salad instead of a high-calorie pasta dish and choose the vegetable/fruit tray with dip instead of the chips and dip. Read food labels to ensure products contain less than 30 percent fat, and stay within calorie limits for your age and activity level as well. Perform exercises that burn fat such as kickboxing, stepping, dancing, running, jogging and bicycling. If you do activities you enjoy, you are more likely to stick with them.
Portion Control
Using portion control can help teens to drop pound healthily. On this type of diet, you can eat foods you love, but in limited amounts. One key to portion control is to eat small meals often. Eating throughout the day will help to keep your metabolism high and increase calorie burn. Eat breakfast soon after waking, and then every few hours throughout the day to keep your body burning calories and fat. A low-fat granola bar with a small yogurt is an example of a portion-controlled breakfast. Even a high-protein drink mixed with nonfat milk will help to start your metabolism for the day. Check the number of servings on food labels to ensure you are eating only one portion of each food. Another way to control portions is to put foods into small bowls or on side dinner plates. This makes it appear like you are eating more, and you can "fool" your stomach into thinking it is full. Eat only one serving of a prepackaged food, like oatmeal or sliced cheese, per meal. Separate foods such as grapes or dry cereal into individual portions so you can grab for a snack at school or on the go, or create a quick meal. Keep track of calories and fat to ensure you are within recommended levels. Exercise 30 to 60 minutes a few times weekly to increase weight loss.