Fat Flush Tips & Tricks
The benefits of flaxseed in your diet are not new. However, the surge of fad diets has brought them to the forefront. Flaxseed and flaxseed oil are rich in an important fatty acid called linolenic acid or ALA, a member of the omega-3 fatty acids group. Not only is it beneficial in weight loss strategies but omega-3s are effective at preventing heart disease. Flaxseed is available in several forms for adding to food, water, or taking in a capsule as a supplement. It might be better to add flaxseed slowly, since it is fiber, and work up to between 10 to 50 grams a day. If while taking flaxseed you develop diarrhea, cut back your dosage.
Good and Bad Food
One key to successful fat flushing is to introduce good foods into your diet. Increase your intake of foods high in omega-3 fatty acids such as fish. Eat food rich in antioxidants, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. If you increase the amount of vegetables you eat, make sure to avoid canned vegetables, which are usually high in salt.
Foods to avoid include red meat, processed or canned food, and refined items such as flour or sugar. Shun carbohydrates except what is found in fruits and vegetables, avoiding bread, dairy and starchy foods like potatoes.
Calorie Intake
The basis of fat flushing is to limit your calorie intake to around 1100 calories a day. This should go on for about two weeks. Then you will gradually start to increase your calories until you reach 1500. Stay here until you succeed and reach your goal.
In any diet plan, water is going to play an important role. Drink eight to ten glasses a day. Most advertised fat flushing plans suggest you do not drink water with meals but between them. You may also drink black tea and coffee.
Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle
Fat flushing really does no good unless you are prepared to live a healthy lifestyle including exercise and diet. Any plan for weight loss should start with a visit to your doctor. It's important to make sure you have no underlying conditions that will affect your ability to lose weight or exercise.