Diet to Reduce Waistline
To shrink your waistline, reduce your overall body fat. It's impossible to "spot-reduce" or lose weight only in the belly area, says the American Council on Exercise (see References 1), but the upside of is that following a plan to lose weight in your stomach means you'll also burn fat all over your body. To lose 1 lb. of fat you must expend 3,500 calories more than you consume, according to (see Reference 2), so your main focus in reducing your waistline should be consuming fewer calories overall while still feeling full and satisfied throughout the day. To do this, you need a daily supply of fiber, protein, and complex carbohydrates; the vast majority of your calories should come from fresh fruits and vegetables; whole grains like bread, rice, pasta and oats; lean dairy like reduced-fat milk, yogurt and cheese; and healthy proteins like beans, nuts, seeds and poultry. Desserts and other treats are fine as long as they are occasional and compose only a small part of your calorie intake. To avoid getting overly hungry, which can make you more likely to choose fatty or processed foods, eat smaller meals more frequently or eat three regular meals with two or three snacks, if preferred. Limit your intake of trans fats, which are frequently found in fried foods, baked goods and packaged, processed foods; a study from Wake Forest University found that trans fats may increase fat deposits in the stomach area (see Reference 3).
To burn more fat and speed up your waistline weight loss, add regular exercise to your routine. Aerobic activities that elevate your heart rate will burn calories, while strength training will add lean muscle to your body; more muscle means your body will burn more calories overall, says the American Council on Exercise.