Stomach Fat Removal
Reduce Calorie Intake
One way to lose stomach fat is to reduce calorie intake. Restricting calories and choosing healthy foods will help the body burn fat. When you consume less than you need your body is less likely to store fat, and when you need fat for energy your body takes this fat from reserves in your stomach, thighs and other areas of your body.
Eat a wide variety of healthy foods, such as dark-green leafy lettuce, carrots, peas, avocados, beans, lean meats such as chicken and fish, and snacks such as apples and sunflower seeds. Healthy fats and oils are good for you because they reduce inflammation in the body.
Reduce Portion Sizes and Eat More Frequently
In addition to restricting calories you also need to reduce how much you consume at each meal. A portion of meat should be the size of a deck of cards, while a portion of vegetables or potatoes should be about the size of the palm of your hand. Eat food more often: Rather than eating three big meals per day, eat five small meals and eat snacks when you get hungry. This will speed up your metabolic rate, making it easier to burn fat and calories. Be sure to avoid eating after 7 p.m., because when you eat late your body is more likely to store calories consumed as fat. If you have food cravings, snack on something healthy or eat a scoop of protein powder in water to help your body feel full.
Avoid Certain Foods and Beverages
To get rid of belly fat you also need to avoid certain foods that cause fat to accumulate in the midsection. Avoid eating processed food, fast foods, those that are sugar-laden and too many bread products. Do not drink beer, as it is high in calories and drinking too much can lead to more belly fat. Avoid sodas and other sugary drinks that cause the body to hold onto fat. Instead drink pure water and eat whole foods, such as fruits and vegetables.
In addition to eating the right foods and restricting calories you can also target your midsection with workouts designed to trim this area. Yoga and Pilates focus on strengthening core muscles and reducing fat in this area. Cardiovascular activities such as running on the treadmill or using an ellipitical machine is also great for burning belly fat. You can also do sit-ups at home, but be sure to include plenty of cardio in your routine, as well.
Set small goals for yourself and achieve them. For instance, make it a goal to lose 10 pounds per month of overall body fat and focus on your stomach. Once you reach your goal continue to maintain that weight. Psychology is important, as it is difficult to think about how you need to lose 50 pounds. Instead focus on one month at a time and say to yourself, "This month I need to lose 10 pounds." For some people belly fat is the last to go, so be sure to not give up.