Weight Loss & Back Pain
Well-Balanced Diet
The best approach to losing weight and relieving back pain is a well-balanced diet. A diet that has all of the vitamins and nutrients the body needs to be healthy and is low in calories will help you lose the weight. Weight loss can improve your condition almost immediately; many people feel more energy and can move freely.
Fad diets are not a good approach to long-term weight loss. These diets restrict calories excessively and are difficult to maintain for a long period. Those who have a significant amount of weight to lose should look for a diet program that can easily become an everyday eating plan for life. A balanced diet that allows for snacking and healthy meals is more likely to result in long-term changes to diet habits.
Exercise must be a part of any weight loss effort. If you are very overweight and exercise is difficult, start with small goals. The ideal amount of cardiovascular exercise is 30 minutes to an hour daily. This can be a daunting goal for those who have difficulty moving. Start with 10 minutes of exercise at a time and slowly build up to 30 minutes. Breaking down the exercise regimen to three 10-minute sessions is a way to build up endurance and still get your exercise in every day.
Keep your goals in mind when you are building up your endurance for exercise. When you reach your 30- minute goal, set a new one and continue to strive for better health and endurance. Exercise will also get improve muscle condition. Your back will benefit from exercise and will gradually improve from weight loss and conditioning.
Lifestyle Changes
Losing weight requires more than just a one-time diet and exercise program. Staying in good physical condition after weight loss requires some lifestyle changes. Be conscious of the foods that you are eating at all times and treat your body well. Consider your exercise program your reward and treat yourself to the benefits of a more active lifestyle. A healthier lifestyle will bring you many more benefits than your previous sedentary and overweight lifestyle.