Weight Loss Will Power Ideas
Take Small Steps
In his article in a 2007 edition of the New York Times, Dr. Barron H. Lerner, M.D., suggests that environmental changes employed by the government, such as New York City forcing restaurants to remove trans fats from their food, can have a positive effect on the overall health of a community. But losing weight remains a personal experience.
Researchers at the Children's Hospital in Boston conducted a study in 2008 in which they concluded that how we eat is likely related to our genetics. Some people may be predisposed to eating a bad diet and not getting enough exercise. So while the government may be successful at making the food you eat healthier, it is still up to you to make sure you eat right and get enough exercise.
Take it slow. Instead of having two or three sugar-filled soft drinks a day, try replacing them with bottled water. Allow yourself one soft drink a day if that helps you stay with the water for the rest of the day.
Start your exercise program in short increments that you know you can stay with and gradually increase your exercise routine over time. If you are predisposed to unhealthy habits, your willpower will weaken if you try and make drastic lifestyle changes too quickly. Use small steps and help build your willpower by seeing small successes in your program.
Remain Calm
Weakening willpower is usually the result of a frenzied mind. When you crave something your mind will start to create a sense of urgency. Help your willpower by learning to calm your mind. Meditation or yoga may help you get your willpower under control, or reading when you start to feel cravings come on may help as well. When you are staring temptation in the face, take a deep breath, close your eyes and walk away. A calm mind can help you strengthen your willpower when you are trying to be healthier.
Maintain Balance
Thatsfit.com offers some interesting scientific information which suggests that a stressful lifestyle may distract our ability to stay away from unhealthy foods and keep us from getting to the gym. Try to maintain balance in your life and avoid too many ups and downs during the course of a day. When you are able to remain concentrated on your daily tasks you are better able to strengthen your willpower and continue your lifestyle changes. Maintaining a balance in our daily lives can help us to keep our willpower strong when we need it.