Famous Diets

New diets are introduced every year. Many of them are short-lived fads that may promote initial weight loss, but often result in regaining weight or unhealthy side-effects. Some of the most famous diets have been around for years and offer numerous choices to help meet weight-loss goals.
    • Diet Plans and Weight Loss

    Low-Carb Diets

    • The Atkins Diet and South Beach Diet are two popular programs that severely curtail carbohydrate consumption, while encouraging dietary protein. Many low-carb diets may be hard to maintain for long-term weight loss.

    Ratio Diets

    • Diets like the Zone advocate ratio eating. The Zone ratio is based on 40 percent carbohydrate, 30 percent fat and 30 percent protein, and proposes that eating foods in a specific quantity or order will regulate hormones and promote weight loss.

    Mediterranean Diet

    • The Mediterranean Diet is based on foods local to the Mediterranean area. The diet advocates fresh fruits, vegetables, seafood, grains and monounsaturated fat from olive oil.

    Delivery Plan Diets

    • Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem are popular delivery-meal diets, with prepared meals delivered directly to a person's home. These diets have proven effective for some, but the plans are often costly.

    Fad Diets

    • Fad diets like the Grapefruit Diet or Cabbage Soup Diet that restrict foods or rely heavily on liquid sustenance may cause initial weight loss. But these diets often result in the weight returning.

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