Can You Get Rid of Cellulite?
What Causes Cellulite
Cellulite is basically a product of fat-bunching. Your body's three uppermost layers of tissues are skin, fat, and muscle. The topmost tissue, your skin, is the protective layer. Fat is the insulating middle layer. And beneath that is muscle. Your skin is tethered to your muscles by fibrous cords of connective tissue that pull the skin down. But if there are an abundance of fatty deposits between your skin and your muscle, the opposing influences of your skin being pulled down by connective chords and pressed up against by large amounts of fatty tissue creates a dimpled or puckered appearance of the skin, called cellulite.
Cellulite is not a medical condition. You can no more cure cellulite than you could cure your height. It's simply an outcome of your body's build. Your body is predisposed to a certain form. Maybe your figure tends to collect higher percentages of fat in the abdominal area, or perhaps in the hips. Maybe you have skinny calves and large upper arms. In any case, your body's build is your body's build. It cannot be changed. If you have the type of build that tends to accumulate high percentages of fat in your thighs, which many women do, you're more inclined to develop cellulite because the thighs are the most cellulite-prone area of the body. Even if you are of a normal weight, if the nature of your body is to store large quantities of fat reserves in one particular area, it will (over time) lead to the appearance of cellulite. You cannot change your body's build, which is why cellulite is not curable. But it can be managed.
Managing Cellulite
You reduce the appearance of cellulite by reducing your body fat percentage. Accomplish this through a healthy diet and regular exercise. Do resistance training to keep your muscles toned, especially in the areas afflicted with cellulite.
Other Types of Treatments
Creams containing methylxanthines, dietary supplements for weight loss, laser therapy, mesotherapy (injections), cellulite-specific diets and special cellulite wraps, are all touted as beneficial in treating cellulite. And while some of these treatments (such as massage therapy) have been known to produce mild successes in reducing the appearance of cellulite, their success is short-lived. Getting and keeping your body's fat percentage in a healthy range is the best way to manage your cellulite.