How Can Women Get Rid of Belly Weight?
Weight Training
Weight training is a way for women to get rid of troublesome body fat. Many women are worried that weight training will leave them looking like a champion bodybuilder, but the structure of the female body makes that impossible. While men who weight train will build large muscles in their arms and legs, women who use the same training regimen will merely tone their bodies and build muscle tone. This additional musculature will help to reduce fat throughout the body--including the belly. Women who do choose to include weight training in their exercise routines should assess their progress based on the appearance of their bodies, rather than the numbers on the scale. Since muscle weighs more than fat, it is not unusual for women who work out with weights to gain weight while losing inches.
Sit-ups and Abdominal Crunches
Over time the abdominal muscles tend to sag, especially for women who are carrying extra weight. Sit-ups, abdominal crunches and similar exercises will help to tone those abdominal muscles and reduce belly fat. Using a sit-up bar is a good idea, since it can reduce the strain on your back and make the workout more effective. A slant board can make abdominal crunches even more effective. Lay on the slant board with your head pointing down, place your feet under the holder at the top and start doing sit-ups. The slant board will make those crunches that much more difficult, and more effective.
Eating Right
Exercise is only a part of your overall weight loss and toning program. The other part of the equation is a healthy diet. Losing belly fat will be difficult if you fail to eat right. Take the opportunity to change your diet. Foods that are high in protein and low in fat will help you build muscle and get the most out of your exercise routine. Low-fat, high protein foods include nonfat yogurt, fat free milk, chicken, turkey and lean red meat.