How to Lose Belly Fat by Drinking Water

With the growing obesity problem in America and abroad, it seems everyone is ready to lose weight. There are thousands of diets and exercise routines available to the masses--and we've tried them all. It seems, however, that the best way to lose weight around the stomach area is to simply drink more water.

Things You'll Need

  • Water (six to eight glasses)
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      Add more water to your diet in order to remain hydrated. The amount of water per day that you require is based on your height, weight, activity level, and other foods and drinks you consume. You should aim for .50-.64 oz. of water per pound of body weight. If you weigh 150 lbs., you need close to 96 oz. of water per day.

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      Drink a glass of water before meals. This will make you feel full faster and make sure your body is not confusing thirsty for hungry. Both hunger and thirst are attributed to electro-chemical reactions in the brain that cause us to feel these sensations.* A study done by Brenda Davy, associate professor of human nutrition, published in the Journal for the American Diabetic Association, indicates that drinking water before a meal will cause a person to eat on average 75 fewer calories per meal.

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      Use the extra energy boost to begin exercising. Drinking water increases metabolism and energy. If you're in the minority who keeps themselves well hydrated, you'll need to add exercise to your routine in order to lose weight.

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