How to Lose 20 Lbs Fast & Free
Decide how you want to lose your calories. In order to lose 20 pounds in two months, you will need to lose about 2.5 pounds each week. You must determine the amount of calories required to maintain your weight. Speak with your doctor for the value or verify it online at Use diet and exercise to drop your maintenance calories by 1,250 each day.
Make changes in your grocery shopping. Buying food is a necessity you can't avoid; however, you can make healthier shopping selections without spending additional money. Instead of purchasing chips and dip, opt for vegetables and fruit sticks with a low-fat or sugar-free dip. Complex carbohydrates will give your body extra energy, so put white bread and cakes back on the shelf and buy whole grain bread and rice cakes.
Plan your meals in advance. Have an idea of what you want to eat a day or two beforehand. If you work outside the home, pack your lunch the night before work to avoid spending money at fast food restaurants. Keep track of everything you eat and record calories to prevent going over your daily allotted amount.
Perform cardiovascular exercise every day, alternating between half an hour and one hour workouts. Take walks and jogs around your neighborhood or at a nearby high school track. If the weather is bad, check out fitness videos at your local library and workout indoors. Do Pilates and yoga for strength training on days where you perform a half an hour of cardiovascular exercise or lift weights. If you don't own dumbbells, make your own by filling empty milk jugs with water.
Weigh yourself. Record your progress at the end of each week. If you are unable to reach your 2.5 pound goal, try to make up for it the next week with additional exercise.