Xando & Weight Loss

Xando is a weight loss program popular in Singapore and Australia. In the United States you can order Xando weight loss pills online. It comes with an e-book, plus information on how and what to eat and the importance of exercise. The company that makes Xando, Reborne, is based in Singapore.
    • Xando encourages exercise along with its supplements.


    • The active ingredient in the Xando supplement is phaseolamin and hydroxycitric acid. These are considered starch blockers and keep the body from absorbing starch and turning it into fat. The company claims the supplement can help people on a 1,200-calorie-per-day lose three times the amount of weight. They also say 85 percent of the weight loss will be body fat.


    • Xando (or Xndo as it is called overseas) starts with a consultation. You will be given all the food you need to lose weight. To reduce cravings you will be provided zero-calorie drinks and almost no-calorie snacks. The program encourages exercise and claims to be designed to fit your lifestyle. The program focuses on proteins to build muscle.


    • The company that makes Xando was founded by Dr. Lars Brittsjo in 2003. Dr. Brittsjo was an optometrist, but became concerned about the growing rate of obesity. His Xando system is available in more than 380 pharmacies in Australia and Singapore. Brittsjo says he works with scientists and researchers to help people become healthy.


    • There are more Xando products than just the supplements. Sweet black coffee, tea and zero-calorie flavored waters are also available. Supplements range from capsules to strengthen the immune system to capsules that help regulate the digestive system. All of the products are 100 percent natural.

    Time Frame

    • How long you need to be on the Xando weight loss program depends on your goals. Xando sells packages ranging from one month to six months. As for supplements, it is suggested you take one or two tablets right before meals up to six tablets a day for as long as you want to lose weight.


    • Since Xando is classified as a supplement in the United States, it doesn't have to be approved by the FDA. Possible side effects of Xando supplements are gas and bloating.

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