How to Get Rid of Water Weight by Bodybuilding
Things You'll Need
- Healthy Food
- Clean Water
- Protein-packed foods
- Potassium Supplements
- Dandelion Root Extract
The first thing you need to do is to start bodybuilding. By becoming active and working your muscles, you can start to regulate some of the hormones that may cause water retention. Split your body into 6 different parts: chest, legs, back, arms, shoulders, abs/cardio. Work each of these body parts hard for 40 minutes a day, doing no more than 4 exercises per part.
Improve your diet. Some water retention can be caused by eating highly processed foods and foods high in sodium. Include organic fruits and vegetables in your diet, cutting out foods that are sold in wrappers. Eat lots of meat and drink whole milk. Your diet should be high-protein and high-fat. This will provide lots of fuel for your body, while also strengthening the building blocks that increase muscle. Retain carbohydrates in your diet, just eat fewer of them. Carbohydrates force the body to hold onto water.
Drink lots of water. Oddly enough, water retention can be a sign of dehydration. The body needs water. If you don't drink enough, the body will retain what little you do give it. You should drink at least half your weight in ounces of water per day. That means if you weigh 150 lbs., you should drink a minimum of 75 oz. of water every day. Drinking 16 oz. when you wake up is a good idea. And drink at least 32 oz. while you exercise. Soda, tea, and juice don't count. Switching to water will also help you cut carbs and lose body fat.
Take supplements that help drop water weight. There are a number of supplements that are natural diuretics. Ninety-nine mg. of potassium taken three times a day with meals will help cut water weight. Taking 500 mg. of dandelion root extract three times a day with meals will achieve a similar effect. There are even some supplements that combine different diuretics, including potassium and dandelion root. One of the best and lowest priced is the Water Out supplement from NOW. Links to all of these can be found in the resources below.