How to Lose 10 Pounds Really Quickly
Things You'll Need
- Scale
- Soft measuring tape
How to Lose 10 Pounds Really Quickly
Speak with your doctor prior to starting any weight-loss program. Your doctor will give you a physical to ascertain that no medical condition has caused your weight gain, and will make sure you are healthy enough for physical activity.
Weigh yourself on the morning you want to start your diet. The best time to step on the scale is first thing in the morning, before you dress and before breakfast. You can also take a set of measurements to see how your body shape changes with your weight loss. Measure your upper arm, your bust, your waist, your hips and your upper thigh, noting your measurements so you can compare them with your final results.
Eliminate excessive sugar from your diet. Products such as coffee drinks and sodas are full of empty calories, and removing them from your diet can save you hundreds of calories a day. If you want to take it a step farther, you can limit your intake of carbohydrates such as white bread and pastas. Carbs break down inside the body and convert to sugars, so reducing carbs from your diet can speed up your weight loss.
Convert yourself to a vegetable or juice diet. Ingesting nothing but freshly squeezed juices and vegetables for a few days will help your body flush out toxins and clean out your bowels, both of which can help you lose a number of pounds very quickly. Be careful when going back to a solid food diet. Your body will need to be gradually readjusted to solid foods, so reintroduce them slowly to prevent illness.
Add herbal supplements to your diet to aid in weight loss. Nettle tea, for example, is an appetite suppressant that will keep you from being hungry. Alfalfa is a diuretic, and will help you shed excess water weight. Hawthorn berries can help stimulate your body to flush out old, undigested food, helping you to lose another couple of pounds.
Increase your exercise levels. An important part of speedy weight loss is burning excess calories and fat from your body, so add at least 30 minutes to an hour of cardio work to your daily routine. Walking, jogging, running and swimming are all excellent sources of cardio work. Alter your workout routine, and you will be 10 pounds lighter before you even have a chance to get bored.