How to Lose 15 Pounds a Month
Things You'll Need
- Pedometer
- Digital scale
- Ankle and wrist weights
Start wearing a pedometer every day. A pedometer can be stored in your pocket or bag and will track the number of steps you take every day. The more steps, the better. Track them in a journal for the first week and make changes to take more steps each day. Take a leisurely walk on your lunch break, park farther away from the store, and walk in place when watching television. These changes can help burn calories.
Increase your water intake dramatically. Drinking water helps flush out toxins in your body. Toxins build in the colon and causes weight gain. Water flushes that out, resulting in fat loss. Drinking water also keeps you from consuming beverages filled with sugars, calories and carbohydrates. Have one cup of all natural, 100 percent juice per day. You can also have sweetener-free tea and black coffee.
Eliminate certain foods that will not help you lose weight. Avoid packaged, junk and snack foods. Take away table salt and sugar to avoid adding it to your foods. Your diet should contain fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and fish. Your diet needs to be a healthy variety of these foods.
Do cardiovascular workouts four times a week. Cardiovascular exercise includes walking, jogging, swimming, dancing, jump roping and riding a bike. Choose something that you enjoy. This type of exercise keeps your heart rate elevated during the workout, which helps burn calories so you can lose 15 pounds a month.
Weight train two to three to four times a week. Lifting weights builds muscle, and more muscle mass boosts your metabolism. This increases your ability to burn more calories even when you are sleeping.
Use a digital scale. A digital scale can help you track your weight loss, your body mass index and your body fat. This will provide you with a better overall look at your progress.
Get back on track as soon as possible after a slip. Everybody slips. As much as you need to avoid doing this, it can happen. If it does, get right back on your plan to lose 15 pounds a month.
Use a calorie calculator to see how many calories you should be eating every day. Enter your age, gender, weight, height and exercise level. Use the calorie number for extreme weight loss to lose 15 pounds a month.