How to Lose Weight in Your Thighs & Butt
Things You'll Need
- Measuring tape
Change your diet. In order to lose weight, you will need to eat more muscle-building lean protein and fresh fruits and vegetables. According to Harvard School of Public Health, complex carbohydrates are an excellent source of energy as they provide minerals, fiber and vitamins not found in simple carbohydrates. Select whole grains and beans for weight loss. Furthermore, water helps your body flush excess weight, and you will need to drink at least eight glasses a day, or 64 ounces.
Start cardiovascular exercise. If you decide to work out with exercise equipment, choose machines like the treadmill, elliptical trainer and stair-stepper. Plan to do cardiovascular exercise for at least 30 minutes five days a week and try to increase your resistance, incline and speed with each workout. Take advantage of hills and sand if you opt for working out without equipment, as these provide natural incline and resistance.
Focus strength-training on your thighs and buttocks three to four times each week. Most gyms boast equipment that will help tone your lower body, such as outer and inner thigh machines and glute equipment. Add weight to the machines, but make sure you are at a comfortable level---challenged but not in pain---to avoid injury. You can also slim your lower body without machines or a gym membership. Squats, done standing straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and lowering your body by bending the knees, work well on the thighs and the bottom. Leg lifts, done standing with your feet apart and bending one of your legs behind you until your foot hits your bottom, focuses on the butt.
Record your progress. Measure around your chest, waist, hips and thighs with measuring tape and weigh yourself every week or two. Once you reach your goal, you should not stop working out. Continue to eat healthy foods, reduce your cardio and perform strength-training two to three times a week to ensure your lower body remains toned and fit.