Hormones to Help Lose Weight & Help Hair
Weight Loss
Several hormones affect weight. The main ones are cortisol, leptin, estrogen and testosterone. The body produces cortisol as a response to stress, and it causes you to store fat so that you have energy to combat the stressful situation. To lower your cortisol levels, you can begin practicing yoga or a breathing regimen to relieve stress.
Leptin is a hormone sent out by your fat cells to keep your brain posted on fat levels. If leptin levels are low, your brain will think your fat stores are low and make you want to eat and store fat. In "The Fiber 35 Diet: Nature's Weight Loss Secret," Brenda Watson says you should avoid high-fructose corn syrup, because it lowers your leptin.
Estrogen encourages fat storage, and testosterone encourages fat burning in both men and women. If you are a woman over 30 battling sudden weight gain, or if you are a man whose fat distribution is in your hips and thighs, you may have a condition called estrogen dominance. To correct this, your doctor may prescribe a natural progesterone supplement, or you can use an over-the-counter progesterone cream. If you choose to use a natural progesterone cream, make sure it contains at least 20 mg per dose. Dr. John R. Lee recommends that the creams that contain 450-500 mg of progesterone per ounce, which is 1.6 percent by weight or 3 percent by volume. This means that about ¼ tsp. daily would provide about 20 mg/day. When the creams are used correctly, high levels of progesterone do not pose a health risk. During pregnancy the placenta produces hundreds of milligrams per day with no bad effects. Don't confuse progesterone with the synthetic progestin, which is usually prescribed for female hormone imbalance. Progestin can have serious side effects such as migraine, depression, water retention and, in large doses, birth defects. Also, you should avoid contact with xenoestrogens (chemical estrogens found in some plant products) while using progesterone. If you experience bloating, weight gain and other side effects, check for lavender, tea tree and pomegranate oils in products you use.
To build up your testosterone levels, your best bet is to start a weight-lifting program. As you build muscle, you will burn fat for a couple of reasons: Your testosterone levels rise, and muscle increases your metabolism because it uses more calories than fat.
Reversing Hair Loss
Testosterone, estrogen and thyroid hormones can affect hair production. High testosterone levels and estrogen dominance have been associated with hair loss in both men and women. Progesterone cream applied to the affected area, as well as to the recommended sites (abdomen, breasts, inner arm) can be effective even for male-pattern baldness, according to an article cited by Dr. Gabe Mirkin. Overactive and underactive thyroid production can result in hair loss. Both men and women should have their thyroids tested by a health-care provider if they think that may be a problem. Supplement with vitamins B6 and B12, and make sure you get enough iodine to help you regulate your thyroid.