The Best Exercises for a Man's Butt
Start by performing forward and backward lunges. These are done by stepping forward with one leg while bending the knee and lowering your back leg to the floor. Rest for a second and bring your front leg back so you are standing up again. Repeat with the other leg. Perform the same process for backward lunges, only step back instead of forward. This will tone and firm muscles.
Next move on to squats. Stand with your feet hip width apart and lower your body so that your knees bend. Lower as far as you can comfortably go and hold it for five seconds before slowly raising back up and repeating. If your knees go past your toes when you are squatting, move your legs further apart. The longer you can stay in the squat, the faster it will build muscle. If it starts to hurt, stop. You may also perform a jumping squat. Place your feet together and bend your knees as if you're going to sit down in a chair. Hold this for a few seconds and jump up into a standing position again. Immediately go into another squat. Repeat this five to ten times, or up to twenty if you are not a beginner.
Finally, stand with your palms flat against the wall and your hands shoulder length apart. Lift one leg straight back until you feel a squeeze in your muscles. Hold it and lower it to the floor again. Repeat five to ten times with each leg. Then raise the leg but bend the knee so you are raising it toward the ceiling. Repeat this five to ten times with each leg. This works different muscles to tone and sculpt your butt.
Floor Exercises
Lower yourself to the floor for the second part of the exercise routine. Get on your hands and knees with your hands shoulder length apart and your knees in line with your hips. Look down at the floor while performing the exercises and remember to relax your neck. Start by lifting one leg to the side without unbending it. This looks slightly like a dog lifting its back leg. Lower your leg and repeat with the other leg. Repeat ten to twenty times, going back and forth between legs. Next extend one leg straight out behind you and hold it up for ten to thirty seconds or until it becomes uncomfortable. Lower it to the floor and repeat with the other leg. You may wish to attach an ankle weight to each of your ankles if the exercise is too easy or you wish to build muscle faster. Repeat this exercise ten to twenty times with each leg.