Most Effective Slimming Tablets
Energy and Metabolism
One of the most popular slimming aides available today is also one of the healthiest. Green tea is available in several forms, as a daily pill to be taken twice a day approximately one hour before you eat, as hot tea and as a supplement in cold drinks. Green tea is popular because it doesn't have side effects.
Thyroid patients, in particular, need to be careful when they choose weight-loss aides. Studies have shown that green tea appears to be safe for individuals with thyroid conditions. Lynn Moss, M.S., R.D, states, "Green tea has the potential to accelerate metabolism -- which can help weight loss slightly -- without overstimulating your adrenal glands."
Appetite Suppression
If you are considering an appetite suppressant pill, Dexatrim is a product that, despite having to change its formula a few times, has survived this industry for decades. It's offered in several forms, for example, Dexatrim Max and Dexatrim Max2O (an effervescing tablet). One consideration with Dexatrim is caffeine. If you react badly to caffeinated products, look for the Dexatrim Natural No Caffeine, which offers the same herbal supplements.
Some people who have taken Dexatrim report that it gave them a jittery feeling. There are newer products that reviewers claim do not have this side effect.
What you should take depends on how much importance you give to reviews and to cost. All of these products have the same base ingredients and are not FDA approved.
You can also try drinking water to control your appetite. Add some green leafy vegetables or an apple and you've bought yourself an hour or so before you become hungry again. Exercise also will help to suppress your appetite.
Fat Blockers
The third category for weight-loss pills is the fat blocker. Alli is the current name in fat absorption. Approved by the FDA, it works by blocking approximately 25 percent of the fat you eat, keeping your body from absorbing it. According to the company website, Alli works by affecting the enzyme involved in fat breakdown. The most commonly reported side effect is changes in bowel habits.
Another popular blocker is Proactol. While not FDA approved, its website claims to have clinical data to support the product. The website also states this product will absorb 28 percent of your total fat intake and have no side effects.
While there are three distinct categories for diet pills, many combine ingredients to work in several ways. For instance, Green tea with Hoodia will act not only to increase metabolism but also will suppress your appetite.
There are possible side effects with all supplements depending on your health. It's important to be aware of possible drug interactions. The best course of action for you is to see you doctor and work on a plan for weight loss. Let your doctor know you are interested in taking a diet pill to aid you so you can avoid any potential problems or interactions.