Sleep & Weight Loss
Lose weight sleeping
Ideal Sleep Each Night
Demand Studios Stock Plan your life to allow for sufficient sleep each and every night. Most people need between seven and nine hours a night in order for body functions to be in optimal health and needed healing to happen on a regular basis. Reset your body clock by taking the time to sleep as much as you want for three to four days. Make sleep your priority.
Sleeping through the night
Chamomile works Take note if your sleep is interrupted regularly or you are unable to sleep through the night. Consult your doctor or health practitioner for a permanent remedy that is nonaddictive. Sleeping pills work for a time but lose their effect as the body accustoms itself to the drug being in the system. Try chamomile tea before bed and taking melatonin pills to even out the body cycle.
Eating Right
Cut it out Get your body ready for sleep by eating well throughout the day. Eliminate unhealthy food choices, which make your body work overtime to process. Watch as you sleep better and lose weight. As you eat better, you sleep better, and as you sleep better, you eat better. Sleep and eating are interconnected and positively or negatively affect each other. The cycle starts somewhere, so if you are not sleeping well, start eating with health in mind.
Exercise and Sleep
Exercise right Get your body moving to restore balance to your sleeping habits. Create a routine so that your body knows when to expect physical activity. Avoid working out right before bed as the body releases endorphins that will likely keep you awake, which will, in turn, prevent you from losing weight because you are not sleeping well. As you sleep better, you may actually crave physical activity, which provokes weight loss.
Sleep and Weight Loss Science
Understand that when the body receives less than its needed amount of sleep, it attempts to make up for the lack by craving more food than you actually need due to imbalanced hormone levels of ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin makes you hungry, and leptin tells you to stop eating when full. Without sleep, these hormones go out of balance. Make a plan to sleep well, stick to it and watch your cravings change and weight begin to go down.