The Fruit Flush Diet
Diet Basics
Only two steps are required as part of the Fruit Flush Diet. The first day is reserved for the pre-flush. This involves drinking one protein shake every two hours (from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.). In total, five shakes are consumed on day one. Protein shakes must not contain any artificial colors, casein, calcium caseinate, sodium caseinate, fructose, aspartame, acesulfame-k, acesulfame potassium, evaporated cane juice, sucralose, sucrose, or sugar ingredients. Each protein shake should be followed by at least 8 oz. of water. At 6 p.m., eat dinner. Dinner includes 3 to 6 cups of raw vegetable salad, 3 to 6 oz. of lean protein or egg whites, and 1 tbsp. of olive oil or flaxseed oil.
Fruit and vegetables are the only foods that will be eaten on days two and three. Eat one serving of fresh fruit every two hours (from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.), followed by at least 8 oz. of water. Each serving of fruit must be approximately 100 calories. Dinner should once again be eaten at 6 p.m. and consist of 3 to 6 cups of raw vegetable salad with 1 tbsp. of olive oil or flaxseed oil, and one protein drink. Raw vegetable salad may also be topped with half of an avocado and lemon or lime, if desired.
Do not consume any other foods or beverages while on the Fruit Flush Diet. Dairy, caffeine, coffee, tea, alcohol, diet and regular sodas, starches, juices, most fats, and all sweets are strictly prohibited. The Fruit Flush Diet only works if you use fresh fruits and raw vegetables. Cooked vegetables and canned, frozen and dried fruits are not acceptable. Organic fruits and vegetables, bottled or filtered water, and protein powders that contain no artificial ingredients offer the best results.
If you're considering doing the Fruit Flush Diet, consultation with your doctor is recommended. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not go on this diet. Possible risks or complications may include rebound weight gain, low blood pressure, weakness or fainting, and nutritional deficiencies. Dieters are encouraged not to exercise during the detox because of the low amount of calories consumed.